About us
As a specialist international division of Intro Personeel, Intro EU Staffing is completely dedicated to provide Dutch companies with reliable and skilled European staff.

Who are we
As a specialist international division of Intro Personeel, Intro EU Staffing is completely dedicated to provide Dutch companies with reliable and skilled European staff. Since it’s not always possible to find the right candidate from within our borders, we use our international experience to recruit the best suitable candidate for the job, based on skills and qualifications. We believe in sustainability and therefore prefer long-term collaborations.
Intro EU Staffing is specialized in recruiting and selecting: with a working license in Europe of from within European Union. We understand the cultural differences and manage to deliver an essential contribution to a successful collaboration between our clients and employees.

What we do
Intro EU Staffing takes care of all important aspects of international recruitment:
- We have a large international network which enables us to recruit the perfect candidate in a timely manner.
- With Florys Flexpertise, our own specialist payroll administration division, we guarantee that our employees are always paid according to Dutch legislation and applicable collective labour agreements.
- We use an advanced online timesheet registration system to register worked hours, overtime and request payment of holidays.
- We can communicate in multiple languages such as Hungarian, Romanian, English, German and Dutch.
- We offer certified accommodations according to the highest standards (SNF Certification – Foundation for Flexible Housing Standards)
- We will provide one room per person if you are employed on behalf of Intro EU Staffing.